Denver Arts & Venues is pleased to be part of a worldwide photographic happening: “The Big Picture” taking place in cities all around the globe. Using the traditional method of wheat-paste, an adhesive made from: flour, sugar and water, large Xeroxed poster size photos, from local and international photographers, have been popping up all over Denver, on empty storefronts, alleyways and on blank concrete walls. At the same time, the works of Denver photographers are being displayed in Venice, London, Paris, and China with many more countries and cities added daily!
Check out the photographs on 13th and Champa, near the Denver Arts & Venues offices by:
Thomas Kellner, Siegen, Germany (Eiffel tower) Tina Kazakhishvili, Tbilisi, Georgia (woman's face) Giovanni Savino, Italy (old woman) Reed Philip Weimer, Denver (steps) Cat RedFern, Denver (butterfly) Kristen Hatgi Sink, Denver (portrait "Jillian ") Jessica Ellis, Denver (bird head)
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