Nishan Nalbandian - Request from the front lines - Syria

Nishan Nalbandian Refugees


Sorry to bother you. Just so you know I will not bother you with future emails about this. 

I am trying to raise money to buy a DSLR for my fixer/interpreter in Aleppo last month. Name withheld for security reasons. He's 21, and wants to make a film about the revolution. He and his family have fled to Turkey, but he feels compelled to contribute to the revolution still. Instead of picking up a weapon, he risks his life by taking journalists and photographers like myself into the conflict zone, and up to the front lines. Without him and his colleagues, we would have a much more difficult time doing our jobs.

He has a good eye, and takes pretty good photos with his iPhone. But if he had a real camera he would be able to both work toward his dream of making a documentary about the civil war, and hopefully document his world in pictures to make some money.
DSLR's are very expensive over there, and it's too expensive or problematic with customs issues to ship one over. So I hope to raise the money to buy him a 7d or a 60d and take it to him when I go over for my next assignment. My goal is $1500-$2000. I Might have a matching sponsor. I'll keep you posted on that.

To Contribute you can give me a check or cash directly, or donate through this paypal link:

Nishan Nalbandian Sad Eyes