Travelers on Tenn 4 Last Weekend !

Travelers on Tenn 4
Juried Photography Show
March 1 - 31, 2013

Mark Albain,  "Tyler" 

Tenn Street ART proudly presents Travelers on Tenn 4, featuring 22 photographers and 30 images.  This is our 4th year to host a juried photo show with the theme as travel.  We were honored to receive over 100 submissions from artists around the country and Colorado.  This year’s show also coincides with the international event, Month of Photography. 

Marti Neveln, "The Trailer"

Show’s Theme:  Our Call for Entry suggested artists to consider the following:  Journey, pilgrimage, escape, trek, junket, odyssey... there are many ways and reasons to travel.  Whether it be a trip of the body, an object moving in space or an inner journey of the mind - your interpretation of movement from one place to the next is what we are looking for.  The images may be concrete or abstract, realistic or fantasy, you decide. Your photographic technique can be traditional, digital, experimental or a mixture - we are open.  Take us around the block or on a ride in your imagination...we’re ready to go!

Jeana Plummer, "Nicosia" 
Our Juror:  Tara Hornung has been working with darkroom and alternative photographic processes since 1992.   Tara is an instructor for the Colorado Photographic Arts Center where she teaches workshops on toy camera techniques.  Ms Hornung came to Denver in 2008 to complete a Kress Fellowship in Art Conservation at the Denver Art Museum, and remained in Colorado to pursue a private practice in art conservation.  She has presented several workshops on artists’ materials and care of artwork.  An avid traveler, Tara’s profession as an art conservator has taken her worldwide to work as a steward of cultural heritage.  To follow her journey visit: or

Juror's Statement:  It was an honor to be asked to jury Tenn Street Art’s 4th annual juried group photo show Travelers on Tenn 4.  I was asked to select 30 images from 108 submissions, a difficult and creative challenge owing to the high quality of submissions.  Travelers on Tenn 4 called on photographers to show the ways and reasons to travel, to create a visual interpretation of movement from one place to the next.  The theme inspired a strong body of lyrical works.  I began my selection process with images that resonated with me.  I selected images that displayed visual impact, craft, and intention.  I chose photographs about travel, not travel photography. What developed was an unsettling group of images that spoke to me about the experience of the traveler and nomad:  unease, disorientation, quiet tension, and iconic humor.  I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in Travelers on Tenn 4.  Congratulations to the selected artists.
Brian Weberg, "Final Crossing"

Steve Gandy :: Carisa Mitchell :: Brian Weberg 
Jeremy Nix :: Robert Roehl :: Mark Albain
Debbie Fanatia :: Paul Bender :: Jeana Plummer 
Brian Campbell :: Fred Reim :: Tracy Frickey 
Sara Bobeldyk :: Kyle Banister :: Marti Neveln 
Samantha Johnston :: Edu Casero :: Dane Stephenson 
Steve Valdeck :: Brett Doonan :: Melissa Huber 
& Nicholas Howell

Venue: Tenn Street ART, 4418 Tennyson Street, Denver, CO
Show Dates: March 1 - 31, 2013

Dane Colfax Stephenson, "Bridge the Gap"

Tenn Street ART Hours:  Tuesday thru Sat:  6:30 AM til 9 PM, Sun & Mon:  6:30 AM til 6 PM

Sharon Meriash
Tenn Street ART
located inside Tenn Street Coffee
Curator - Photographer - Artist
Invest in Beauty - Be Smart, Buy Art!

Tenn Street Coffee
l4418 Tennyson Street
Denver, CO 80212