RedLine and MoP !

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The Reality of Fiction

March 8-April 28, 2013
Public Reception: March 8, 7-10 pm
Members Reception: 6-7 pm

Curated by Mark Sink, this exhibition is survey of photographers work who explore the subject of reality and fiction in this new millennium. Photographs range from serious social documentation to humorous play of the absurdities of our contemporary culture. 

New Yoga Classes

Wednesdays, 7:30 am
Donations accepted, up to $10

Instructor Tyrone Beverly of Im'Unique has been teaching for over 10 years. Classes are specifically focused on introducing yoga to those who are less likely to feel comfortable in the traditional yoga studio.

Portfolio Reviews

March 23-24, 2013
11 am-5 pm

For student and professional photographers--intensive portfolio reviews with gallery and museum directors, curators, photography collectors, teachers, critics and editors. 


Reach Studio was recently featured in a segment on CBS 4 Denver. Reach Studio uses art as a medium for assisting homeless clients in moving toward self-sufficiency and transforms public spaces abdicated to blight by reclaiming them, through art, as public commons. To watch the video on YouTube, click HEREPlease show your support by sharing the video on Facebook or by email.

Our mailing address is:
2350 Arapahoe St
Denver, Colorado 80205